The "Spiritual Path" that guides and enriches your life profoundly.

Whether you are seeking a purpose of your life, you feel you are on a wrong path, or your soul is at a loss despite your material/physical success, a truthful spiritual path can unlock deep mysteries of your life and increase your ability to engage in yourself and your outer environment more masterfully. 

Soul Oasis holds a lineage of the authentic ancient Mystery School traditions.

The core of our teaching is “Universal Qabalah”, which is considered the oldest spiritual blueprint for humanity. This is a path of “transformation”.

By gaining deep divine knowledge and inner truth, you can live more joyfully and purposefully. When you gain and apply the tools of deeper understanding, you can operate your life beyond the ordinary senses and perceptions and navigate your life in a more profound manner. When you choose a path more in-tuned with your inner world, you can inevitably serve better for humanity.

You are about to begin your incredible journey for healing, empowerment and global service with us.

Schedule a free phone consultation to discuss your spiritual path and healing!


Our Training - Paths


The Orange Ray
Wisdom - Hermetic Knowledge

The Green Ray
Spiritual Empowerment

The Purple Ray
Healing - love - compassion

Universal Qabalah

Meditation - Channeling Energy Healers



About Soul Oasis


Our Tradition Our Vision About Us





Soul Oasis


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